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Author Archives: Rachel Manning
LLL Alliance Looking Forward
LLL Alliance Leaders,
Click here to read more about LLL Alliance as we look forward to the future.
(login with LLL Alliance Leader password)
New Regional Administrator of Leader Accreditation
It is a great pleasure to announce that on December 1st, 2018, Rachel Concitis stepped into the role of Regional Administrator of Leader Accreditation (RALA) for the Great Lakes Region (LLL of Eastern Pennsylvania, LLL of Indiana, LLL of Michigan, LLL of Ohio, and LLL of Western Pennsylvania). Contact information for Rachel can be found in the Administrator Directory.
Update on Puerto Rico
After the devastation of the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico in September 2017, LLL Alliance sent a request for donations to help Liga de la Leche de Puerto Rico. Leaders rose to the occasion and contributed $732.50 (after PayPal fees). We were able to supplement those donations through the LLL Alliance Heart-to-Heart fund, which was created to help Leaders affected by natural disasters. $500 was sent in November 2017 and another $500 in March 2018.
Leaders in Puerto Rico are still struggling to recuperate. They want to ensure optimal infant and young child feeding practices through individual breastfeeding counseling and support group sessions, as well as by providing breastfeeding relactation materials and baby kits.
The Leaders are excited about a series of workshops being offered in ten affected towns in the south and southwest of the island with the theme of “Breastfeeding in Times of Crisis and Emergencies.”
Liga de la Leche de Puerto Rico would like to continue working together so they can continue developing a lactating society and especially keeping babies breastfeeding in times of emergencies. They would still appreciate any help. If you would like to help support the efforts of Liga de la Leche de Puerto Rico, click HERE to donate.
April LLL Alliance Shout-Out
Congratulations to La Leche League of Connecticut who held a successful Health Care Provider Seminar (HPS) on April 12th, 2018. The speakers were Jarold “Tom” Johnston, CNM, IBCLC, who spoke on “The Maternal-Newborn Microbiome,” “Human Milk Production,” and “Still Swimming Upstream: Breastfeeding in a Formula Feeding World” and Ruth Lucas, Ph.D., RNC, CLS, who presented “It Takes Two: Exploring Infant’s Effort During Breastfeeding.”
La Leche League, Celebrating 60 Years!
La Leche League, Celebrating 60 Years
1963 Reader’s Digest article by Karen Pryor, “They Teach the Joys of Breastfeeding.”
October/November LLL Alliance Shout Out
The October/November LLL Alliance Shout Out Goes To…..
Co-Leaders of the LLL of Dyer County Group in TN
Over the summer Allyson and Hollidy experienced a growth of five times the Group’s previous monthly contacts and a 500% increase in the Group finances! How did they do it? Through outreach, publicity, and by putting the FUN in fundraising!
Read more of their story in the next issue of Alliance Link.
The August/September LLL Alliance Shout Out Goes To…
LLL of Chapel Hill, NC
Leaders from the Chapel Hill Group worked alongside the Carolina Breastfeeding Institute in conjunction with the USBC for Chapel Hill and Carrboro NC to earn the Breastfeeding-Family-Friendly City Designation. The towns are two of the first cities in the country to receive the Breastfeeding-Family-Friendly City Designation.
In earning this designation at least 50 percent of businesses must post “breastfeeding welcome here” signs on their windows. Local groceries also must not promote commercial brand baby formula by preferential placement in the stores or direct advertising.
For more information: http://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2015/08/fed-your-babies-says-chapel-hill-carrboro
Chapel Hill Leaders ROCK! Which cities will be next?
June-July LLL Alliance Shout Out
The June /July LLL Alliance Shout out goes to the fabulous Area Stat Gurus…. Victoria Albright, Ann Davis, Cathy DeRaleau, Jennifer Deshaies, Michelle Devlin, Abi Henke, Bekki Henthron, Pat Johnson, Kathy Juve, Helen LaPlant, Paula Manley, Rachel Manning, Traci Meiler, Donna More, Bobbie North, Laura Probst, Jennifer Rodriquez, RoseAnn Squire, Mary Swisher, Cathy White, and Lydia Wilkins.
These Leaders work tirelessly to compile and report the Area statistics each June and December to LLL Alliance Stat Guru Extraordinaire Linda Parry. Be kind to these wonderful women when they come knocking at your door for your semi-annual statistics. It is impressive to see the work they are doing and the strength of LLL Alliance as evidenced by our stats! Our Area Stat Gurus are doing a bang up job!
May LLL Alliance Shout Out
The May LLL Alliance Shout Out goes to…. Joan Crothers Kathy Drury Paula Manley Rachel Manning for earning the GOLD President’s Volunteer Service Award for over 500 hours of volunteer service and Almuth Koby for earning the SILVER President’s Volunteer Service Award for 250-499 hours of volunteer service.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is the premier volunteer awards program, encouraging citizens to live a life of service through presidential gratitude and national recognition. Let’s hear it for our most recent recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Awards!!!!